Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TBWCYL Day 69 - Size matters

Today I am tasked with downsizing some things in my life. Some example the book gives are the dry cleaner, cable TV, and friends(they can really get expensive when you factor in birthday and Christmas presents, not to mention when they start having kids.) The problem is, it wants me to cut someONE out of my life but since I don't have too many people to cut, I am going to do someTHING. So, I took a good look at the excess in my life and here is what I have come up with.

Lets get the elephant in the room out first. You are all thinking "Newt, you could cut back or stop buying comics." Well, you can all kiss my butt because we both know that will never happen. But, to save some cash I have made a couple of decisions. From this day forth, the ban on the good Dr. Pepper is back on. That also goes for Mr. Pibb and that Sprite that bothers me sometimes when I go outside. I will go back on the wagon and get off of carbonated beverages. I figure this will save me anywhere between $20 and $50 a year.

The second big event was that I have formally handed over all of my credit and check cards over to my wife. She has stated that I will now get a cash allowance for all purchases so we should be out of debt in about 2 weeks. Eat that ECONOMY!!!

That is all,


5 Ripples in the pond:

Erin said...

Be strong, Diana, be strong.

And thank you for not cutting me out of your life, Trinity. It's appreciated.

Addy's Daddy said...

It's like you are in junior high again, but instead of getting an allowance from your parents you are getting one from your CPA wife!

Trinity said...

Yep, and it is awesome. I know exactly how much money I get so I don't do something stupid like buy you that new car I was going to get you. If only I had lost my credit card next week.

Girl Interrupted said...

Mr Pibb?!?!?!? Who the heck thought that up???

Ok, I just Wiki'd it - no light being shed on the origin of the name, but I thought this was mildly disturbi ... i mean interesting:

Mr PiBB's slogan in the late 1990s was "Put it in me"

Not sure what kind of market they were aiming for with that one ...

Addy's Daddy said...
